Fabric of the machine
Frequently asked questions on our changing identity, explained with technical details on how analog sensors and digital technology shape its design.
How does this work?
The visual form of the identity and website responds to inputs from a connected Arduino. It's updated every minute, so the identity and website layout are constantly changing. The total number of inputs and possible combinations means the form will never be repeated.
How does APOSSIBLE's identity adapt to environmental inputs?
The logo is a variable typeface with a series of axis', each of which respond in a different way to the current mood of the APOSSIBLE machine – for example, when the machine is communicating a bad mood the logo tends to be very wide, with minimal variations between each letter – in other words, it's lazy.
The stacked layout of the website is also determined by the mood, however also takes date and time inputs, alongside additional inputs related to website interaction.
What technology is used?
The core technology is an Arduino Uno Rev3, an accessible, popular physical computer. Connected to this are a number of sensors, mostly manufactured by Seeed Studio. It is powered by the electricity grid, but in the future aim to power it by solar with corresponding downtime when it's not been fed by photons.
The website is powered by HTML, SCSS and vanilla Javascript. It uses the Kirby content management system.
How does the identity maintain coherence despite constant changes?
The constraints and bounds of the system are core to a successful, coherent outcome. All data that is collected by the machine is normalised, with an algorithm determining which bounds the data should influence. Too hot? Bad mood. Too cold? Bad mood. Too hot and it's humid too? Terrible mood.
How is the identity used in static forms?
As part of the development of the identity, a Figma plugin was created to ensure that when the static logo is used, for example in print, a live logo is generated that takes the visual form true to when it was generated. It is built using Javascript data from the APOSSIBLE machine.
Can the mood be manually overridden?
No, although there is a potentiometer on the machine which can nudge the mood one way or another.
How many variations of the logo are there?
So many that you'll never see the same one twice.
Can I use your machine to feed my own APOSSIBLE output?
Get in touch with us, we'd love to talk more.
Who made this?
The APOSSIBLE identity, website and physical computer was designed and built by Jake Dow-Smith.